Terms of Service

You are agreeing to all of these terms by commisioning me

General Terms:

  • I keep the right to decline any commission due to any reason (such as offensive content, explicit violence or any other intolerant or inappropriate topics)

  • In case of poor communication or general innaporiate behaviour, I keep the right to terminate the commision at any time

  • During the sketching phase any edits can be asked for. Minor tweaks are possible in the later stages but bigger changes will be charged for

  • I will need about two - five weeks depending on complecity of request and general schedule to finish the commision

Payment and refunds:

  • I will require full payment in advance on paypal

  • Prices will vary according to complexity

  • If I am unable to finish your commision due to any reason you will get 100% of your money back

  • Once the commision is started, you can no longer ask for a refund

Rights and usage:

  • I keep full rights to the artworks and am allowed to display them on social media and my portfolio

  • Artwork can be kept private, but it needs to be discussed in advance

  • Commercial use is not allowed if you payed for private use

  • You will receive a full sized image file
